Academic theses and papers sometimes seem to have a language of their own – long words, sophisticated sentence structures and plenty of parentheses. When we’re writing an academic piece it can be hard to keep track of the content let alone focusing on the style as we go along.
There are some simple ways that you can smarten up your essay or thesis language-wise. Certain expressions have a more commanding ring to them than others. This gives a sense of confidence about the material you are presenting.
Here are some that you can simply and easily incorporate into your work:
Therefore: this is typically used to draw a conclusion from a point you have made. It is neater and more succinct than a phrase like ‘this shows that’ and more emphatic than a word like ‘so’.
However: when you make a point which needs qualifying, you can use ‘however’. It is a good alternative to ‘although’, ‘but’ or ‘in spite of’.
Moreover: when you have a further point to include which adds to the information already presented, ‘moreover’ is a useful phrase. It can replace ‘in addition’ or ‘on top of this’.
Consequently: this can be used instead of phrases like ‘as a result’ or ‘because of this’.
Subsequently: use this at the beginning of an sentence instead of ‘after that’ or ‘then’.
Carry out: it is better to ‘carry out’ some research than to ‘do’ some research.
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