Many of our customers have asked how they can convert their PDF (Portable Document Format) documents to a MS Word format. A Portable Document Format file is a snapshot of a document that assures that the content and format of the document remains unchanged as it is transferred. Converting PDF files to Microsoft Word format requires the undoing of the fixed format. PDFs can be viewed for free using the readily available Adobe Acrobat Reader. But if you do not have this program installed or cannot access it, a PDF document cannot be read. Converting the document to Word format could make it accessible to the recipient. Several free services online allow the user to convert documents from PDF to Word format.
There are however, several drawbacks to converting PDF to MS Word format. The biggest problem with most PDF convertors is that there are not very good. Retaining the original formatting of your PDF is incredibly difficult, mainly because PDF files are created by virtually printing objects onto a blank sheet of paper. Unlike most other file types (e.g. documents, presentations, etc.) there no rules governing where objects are placed on the page. This makes converting PDFs to other file formats very difficult.
Below is a list of resources you may want to consider using:
Both ‘Adobe’ and ‘pdftoword’ offer trial versions (7 days) – so you could convert your document(s) accurately within this time-frame. Here at Proofers, we use ‘Adobe’ – it’s quick and easy to convert PDFs into Microsoft Word documents with the Adobe Acrobat online services. You simply ‘drag and drop a PDF’, then download the converted Word file. Acrobat turns the PDF file into the DOCX file format in seconds. When you convert PDF files with Acrobat, the document formatting transfers too. PDF files can also be converted to PowerPoint or Excel, if this is what you require.
Feel free to contact the Proofers Team if you require assistance.